Saturday, April 19, 2014

Grace...what a word!

As I've been processing through the sin that was pointed out to me and that I talked about in my last post,  I am quickly learning that I do not give myself grace.  A lot of the times I do not know if I feel worthy of giving myself grace when I screw up, but I always try and give other people grace or forgiveness when I have been wronged.  I definitely am not perfect at this all the time.  But I do acknowledge that I do not give myself grace or forgive myself as quickly.  Why do we as the human race hold our sins over us?

We all know that Christ died for each and every one of our sins.  It doesn't give us the green light to constantly sin, but to know that when we do sin He has borne that sin upon him.  He carries that weight for us.

As I wrestle through and dig deep through trying to figure out how to be better at giving myself grace & forgiveness especially in light of my shortcomings, I think it will come from a overflow of my acknowledging what Jesus did for me on the cross and how much He loves  I love this verse...

"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21

Don't you just love that it starts out...for our sake?  He sent His son who was the spotless lamb to be sin so that we as flawed humans like me could be right with God.  I need to learn to forgive more often and give grace to not only others in a bigger way, but to myself too.


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