What does the word vulnerability or to be vulnerable mean to you? Just the word used to stir unrest and fear in my heart. I would shutter (& still do some times) at the thought of being honest & real with people. My introverted personality wants to run and hide. And trust me...I've done that more times than I'd like to admit. As my eyes and heart have been opened to sin in my life, I've been reading and discussing things from my life that will help me process all these issues with friends & others. One of those things being what does it look like to be vulnerable...for me to be vulnerable. In her book, Daring Greatly, author Brené Brown, defines vulnerability "as uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure". If we are really honest that definition is so true. I've always felt so vulnerable sharing a part of my heart/life and being uncertain how it will be received. There is great risk in sharing a part of you that either may not be understood or accepted by the one you are sharing it with. And that exposes you to hurt, but it also opens up your heart for that person to love you even more. To show you grace when you may not show yourself grace. To love you for you. To be known and to be loved is one of those places that gives great comfort & safety.
The more that I digest what it looks like for me to be vulnerable, I think the word that goes hand in hand is courage or bravery. When someone is vulnerable with you and shares something about themselves or is just being honest (which is a part of learning to be vulnerable), they are being brave by offering up a part of themselves to you. As I walk this road and learn to be more vulnerable with those around me, may I remember to show love, grace & mercy as people are opening themselves up to me just as I am doing with them, because I know how much courage that takes. This is done by being a good listener, by showing care & being a safe place for your friend, co-worker, family member...whoever to share and be vulnerable with their heart.
So...what does the word vulnerability or to be vulnerable mean to you?
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