Saturday, November 6, 2010

I heart football...

Today, I got the awesome opportunity to go to my first ever UGA football game.  This was a dream come true for this Georgia girl.  I grew up hearing all about the Dawgs and actually wanted to go to the school, until I visited in high school and saw how big it was.  Too big for this chica!  Anywho, one of my roommates and friends, Amy, got 2 free tickets and invited me to go with her.  Despite the morning weather being absolutely freezing it turned out to be a beautiful day.  One that included blue skies, lots of sun, Georgia football and laughs :)   It was a great day!  Here are a few pics of the day...enjoy!  When is the last time you did something that you've either never done or have always been looking forward to?


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's been a while friend...

I realized the other day how long it has been since I last updated my blog. Sorry about that! Life has been really crazy these past few weeks at work & is just going to get a more insane over the next few months ;). Bare with me as I do want to keep writing, but I have to learn to carve time out to do it. I look forward to figuring out more about how I want to use this space as a place to put my heart in words & also to hopefully encourage y'all ;)


Saturday, September 18, 2010

I wanna be debt freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Well, as of last Sunday I have offically decided to start taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class.  A little background on me...growing up my parents weren't very good with their money, so I never really saw how to stay out of debt and save for a future.  Subsequently, I came out of college with a large student loan and a credit card that I was told to get so that I can purchase things when I don't have money.  Seriously??  If I didn't have money, I should've just walked away, but what did I know.

I've known about Dave & his radio show for about 6 years, but finally this year I got tired of always having the head knowledge, but never reducing my debt completely.  So when my church advertised that they were offering it as a small group class I decided that this would be the best time.  They have this thing called the baby steps in which it gives you a step by step list of what you need to be doing in order to reduce debt and build wealth in the correct order.  It really is common sense, but it is amazing what happens when you have accountability whether it be through a class, spouse or friend in order to get rid of debt.  I hope to learn more about myself in relation to money, but also to dump some debt and hopefully be completely debt free in the next 24 months.  This goal is very important to me and I can't wait to see the debt slowly come down. 

Have any of y'all ever tried to get rid of debt?  Have you had any success?  I'd love to hear about it!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Wig, Heels and a Party Dress

One of my favorite shows of all-time is Alias which aired for 5 seasons from 2001 to 2006. I still remember watching my first episode at Michelle & Steve's house & thinking I really don't see what all this hoopla is for. Why in the world would someone want to watch someone jump over things exploding while wearing a wig, 4 inch heels & a party dress.

But the more I watched it & the more I was drawn into the story of the horizon, rambaldi & all his prophecies & the role Sydney Bristow played in the whole thing. If I'm perfectly honest I'd have to admit that I really want to be her. She has this amazing ability to look so cool while kicking butt, saving the world and landing the man of her dreams (oh Michael I heart you). Now who else can do that?!?!

I think something that is so interesting is how often times in our lives we desire so much to be someone different than we are.  Does that make sense?  I am totally this way.  I often wish that I was dating someone like one of my friends, or married to the man of my dreams or that I would have kids that I could be a mother to.  However, at this time the Lord has asked me to be faithful in what I am doing at this moment.  That I am to wait on what is next, even though being patient and waiting isn't necessarily a quality I possess, but know the Lord is faithful.

Whatever the situation that you may find yourself in, just know that others have felt the same.  At some point we all wish that we were in a different place in life or that we could put on a wig, heels and a cute dress and be someone different than who we are in "normal" life.  Just trust in the One that holds all of our pieces together for our good.  What do you think?  Do you see yourself wishing at different times in your life to be someone else or be somewhere else in life?  How do you handle the waiting?


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More like family than friends...

Just the word vacation draws up so many emotions in each of us.  Many of us have happy memories, laughs with friends, long nights spent soaking up great conversations, mini-trips, enjoying delish food and a host of other things.  I simply L.O.V.E vacation.  It is something that I plan for many months in advance.  I think about where I should go, when, how long I want to stay.  My favorite vacation spot that I first went to 4 years ago is Oregon. I truly love going there. Have you ever been somewhere and just felt like you belonged?

The first time I ever went to Oregon I cried leaving because for some reason I just felt like my heart was captured by the beauty of Oregon from it's coast-line to the mountains to the easy-going people.  Over the past I have discovered my love for the outdoors from the coast to the mountains and everything in between. 

I've always been a girl that loves being outside, but never knew just how much I enjoy God's creation until I went to Oregon. But all of the nature and sights are not nearly as much fun if you can't enjoy it with others that hold a special place in your heart and it just so happens that I have two families that I am very close with that live in Oregon.  As a matter of fact, one of the families is the reason that I first went out to Oregon back in 2006 after they moved there from Georgia.

They both take me in and treat me like family. 
Thank you to my dear friends, the Unwins and Condellos for always making me feel so loved.  I hope that each of you have people like these in your life...that are more like family than friends.


Friday, August 27, 2010

What's in a song?

One of my new favorite artists is JJ Heller. Have you heard of her? She has a way of singing exactly what I'm feeling in my heart. Here is one of her songs titled "Your Hands". It talks about how no matter how much our world is crushed because of circumstances in our lives or whatever you may be going through, Jesus holds us close & we are always in His hands. Many times in my life I wonder how/where the Lord is in a situation, but it's only after I go through the "fire" that I realize He was always right there with me.  We are His--His cares & love for us NEVER end! Thank you Jesus that you never leave us despite how things may seem to us.

What song is He using currently to help you to heal or encourage you? I'd love to hear of other suggestions :)


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A little about me...

I want to use this post to tell you a little about me :)  My name is Jennifer and I was born, raised and now live in Atlanta, Georgia.  I grew up a relatively normal child with two parents, a sister and a brother.  At the age of 19 my parents got a divorce and it caused me to question so much about my life.  During this hard time and even before, I can now look back and see God's hand at work in my life through my circumstances and my friends.  The Lord knew who I would need to help me through this very difficult time. 

About a year and a half after my parents got a divorce, I realized my utter and desperate need for a Savior and He drew me to himself on January 16, 1999 I surrendered my life.  Since that time I've contined to have challenges, but I know that He has always been right by my side.  I now live in a suburb of Atlanta and work in the area too.  I love soccer, the smell of fresh cut grass, seeing my family, spending time with my friends (near and far), chocolate...especially dark chocolate, beaches, mountains, and really anything outdoors. I definitely do not understand everything, but am glad to follow the one who does. 

Do you have any questions for me?  Anything you want to know about me??  Feel free to ask and I will answer!  Since I'm just starting this adventure, I'm sure that I am missing something :)


Monday, August 23, 2010

First-time blogger

Hi! Welcome to my corner of the blogosphere world :) I’ve been contemplating for a while now to start a blog and actually made it a goal for this year, so almost 9 months later I’m finally starting this one. I hope to use this blog as a place for me to journal what’s happening in my life and write those thoughts out. We’ll see how this goes. If you have any suggestions or tips, please feel free to let me know. I look forward to this new adventure!!
