Many times throughout my life I've been told to be grateful for whatever I have. To appreciate the moment or people around you that you are with. For too long I've taken people, experiences, and I guess life for granted. I've not been fully appreciative of the moment and therefore, have missed out on some of the joys of being present. I think about trips I've been on or times out with friends where I am not present because I dread it ending instead of living in and enjoying the present. Oh how I wish I could go back, but with this type of revelation comes the knowledge that the journey continues as I learn & I can make conscious changes to be present..
For the past couple of years I've tried to listen to the Holy Spirit's direction on what word he would want me to live by for the year. This year the word(s) "be present" are what I've tried to live by. To be honest...I haven't done a great job. I'm sure my friends can attest to the fact that I haven't been the best active listener or made the most effort to actually be present. Knowing this about myself, I've definitely tried to be present. To be all in for whatever event or person that I am spending time with. I feel like the more grateful I am for what I'm doing or who I'm with, the more present I will be or want to be.
I'm certainly not saying I have this all figured out, but it is something else new that I have discovered about myself these past couple of months. Take moments today to be grateful. Whether you are grateful for your health, a moment, spending time with friends or family, or anything else that makes your heart smile. Be present in all the moments. You will quickly see how much you have to be grateful for. Things I'm grateful for: yummy food :), roof over my head, friends that love me, family that supports me from far away, daisies, sun, blue skies, my best friends and so much more. What about you? What are you grateful for?
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